My dick.. SJC.. your dick.. needs ID?

ME = life(f)

Saturday, March 13, 2010



Could this be the next random post I make?

After 12 years of not talking to someone, do you really consider them a friend?

Do you really want THEM to consider YOU a friend?

When we are young, lots of people make us who we are. I still talk to some people I knew when I was a kid.. but at the end of the day, I really only give a shit about a few people I knew when I was 14 years old.

I've known a friend of mine since I was 14 years old.. when he stopped talking to me, I actually gave a shit because I cared. His opinion of me mattered. Looking at the world now, let's think about something...

How can we sum this up quickly?

When it is ok to actually ignore someone you either had sex with or were good friends with.. in public.. with the realization that your lives do not intersect and the catching up required to be friends again really isn't worth it.

Suck a dick. Fuck off. Lick my gigantic balls.

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